[1] 2023.07, 连续两年获得武汉理工大学优秀学士学位论文指导老师荣誉,437ccm必赢国际卓越贡献奖
[2] 2020年12月,获得武汉大学优秀研究生、武汉大学研究生学术创新奖二等奖
[3] 2020年10月,获得博士研究生国家奖学金、武汉大学研究生优秀学业奖学金二等奖
[4] 担任Journal of Business Research、Management and Organization Review、R&D Management、Annals of Operations Research、Group Decision and Negotiation、Financial Innovation、European Management Journal、Science & Education、Research Evaluation、Management Decision、Review of Managerial Science、Journal of Engineering and Technology Management、Science and Public Policy、Technology Analysis & Strategic Management等十余本SCI和SSCI期刊的匿名审稿人。
[1] 本科生课程:管理学原理(双语),创业企业管理(双语)、项目管理、管理学科前沿、管理问题的探究方法与表达
[2] 研究生课程:管理研究方法、技术经济方法与模型
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,高校基础研究与企业多维绩效的权变关系及耦合机制研究,30万元,2023年-2025年 (国家级)
1. Meng, Q.#, Li, Y., Cao, Q*#. (2024). The Paradox between innovation efficiency and transformation Effect: An integrate view of innovation value chain and Innovation motivations, Technovation, 130, 102934.(SSCI一区,FMS-B,中科院一区Top)
2. Wu, Y.*, Jiao, Y., Cao, Q. (2023). Unlocking the link between user participation and new product performance: The moderating effect of network capability. Journal of Business Research, 168, 114241.(SSCI一区,FMS-B)
3. Cao, Q., Li, Y., Peng, H*. (2023). From university basic research to firm innovation: diffusion mechanism and boundary conditions under U-shape relationship. Technovation, 123: 102718.(SSCI一区,FMS-B,中科院一区Top)
4. Huang, J., Tong, L., & Cao, Q*. (2023). Political motivation of entrepreneurial orientation: An integrated perspective of knowledge acquisition and institutions. Journal of Business Research, 168, 114211. (SSCI一区,FMS-B)
5. Liu, Q., Wen, X., Cao, Q*. (2023). Multi-objective development path evolution of new energy vehicle policy driven by big data: From the perspective of economic-ecological-social, Applied Energy, 341:121065. (SCI一区,中科院一区Top)
6. Liu, Q., Wen, X., Peng, H.*, & Cao, Q*. (2023). Key technology breakthrough in new energy vehicles: Configuration path evolution from innovative ecosystem perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 138635. (SCI一区,中科院一区Top)
7. Long, X., Wang, L., Cao, Q.*, & Feng, H. (2023). The impact of incongruent CSR on time theft: an integration of cognitive and affective mechanisms. Current Psychology, 1-16. (SSCI二区)
8. Cao, Q., Meng, Q., Wang, C.*, Wang, J., Duan, W. (2023). The task coordination method of intelligence-alliance innovation team of universities in western China, Journal of Regional Science, 63(2), 503-524. (SSCI二区,FMS-B)
9. Qiu, S., Cao, Q.*, Xie, P., & Huang, J. (2023). Money is not everything: funding investment and dual performance of key universities in China. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 35(7), 890-904. (SSCI三区,FMS-C)
10. Bu, X., & Cao, Q*. (2023). Academic Research and Institutional Breakthrough: Theoretical Analysis Under COVID-19. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 14(4), 4511-4533. (SSCI二区)
11. Cao, Q., Tan, M., Xie, P.*, & Huang, J. (2022). Can emerging economies take advantage of their population size to gain international academic recognition? Evidence from key universities in China. Scientometrics, 127(2), 927-957. (SSCI一区,FMS-B)
12. Xia, Q., Tan, M.*, Cao, Q., & Li, L. (2022). The microfoundations of open innovation: CEO overconfidence and innovation choices. R&D Management, 53(1), 43-57.(SSCI二区,FMS-B)
13. Cao, Q., Qiu, S., & Huang, J*. (2022). Contradiction and mechanism analysis of science and technology input-output: Evidence from key universities in China. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 79, 101144. (SSCI一区)
14. Qiu, S., Cao, Q.*, Jiao, M., & Liang, S. (2022). Research types and innovation performance: the mediating effect of paper influence and patent novelty. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 34(8), 919-932. (SSCI三区,FMS-C)
15. Cao, Q., Xie, P.*, Jiao, M., & Duan, W. (2021). The larger scientific and technological human scale, the better innovation effect? Evidence from key universities in China. Scientometrics, 126(7), 5623-5649. (SSCI一区, FMS-B)
16. 曹勤伟, 段万春*. 2021. 科学研究的规模经济悖论与多维绩效分析[J].科学学研究, 39(10):33-44. (国家自科基金委认定的A类权威期刊)
17. Cao, Q *. 2020. Contradiction between input and output of Chinese scientific research: a multidimensional analysis. Scientometrics, 123(1), 451-485. (SSCI一区,FMS-B)
18. Xia, Q., Cao, Q.*, & Tan, M. (2020). Basic research intensity and diversified performance: the moderating role of government support intensity. Scientometrics, 125(1), 577–605. (SSCI一区,FMS-B)
19. Cao, Q.*, Tan, M., Yu, Q., & Wang, P. (2020). Research on the quantity, quality and economic performance of scientific research achievements in Chinese universities. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 32(12), 1494-1507. (SSCI三区,FMS-C)